Thursday, 17 April 2014

Have a good holiday!

Super short round up as you should all be enjoying Easter/preparing for exams. I hope it is all going well.

In case any of you are looking beyond assignments and exams, this is an interesting piece on writing down clear and measurable goals in your personal and professional life to help you achieve. University goes by very quickly and soon you will all be asking 'what next?', so try setting yourself some targets.And maybe we should all decide to be French with a limit to working hours and now a 'ban' on checking work emails after 6pm. Well the summary is not exactly accurate and this article clarifies the situation. Mind you, maybe it is a good idea to have work rule our lives a little less?

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Useful sites & Informations Resources.

Here are some alternative information sources you should consider other than Google or the Library holdings here at Middlesex. With huge credit to Karen Blakeman's blog; her resources lists are awesome and extremely helpful.

When you are researching a particular topic or country setting up news alerts can be one of the best ways to ensure you capture really up to date information. If you haven't taken advantage of our subscription to the, do so now! There's information on registering here and also my blog post on how to install the app on your smartphone or tablet. I also have a post on Business News twitter feeds that are useful to follow. But you can also set up alerts on Business Source Complete or use Google and RSS alerts.

When you are struggling to find everything you need, please have a look at the 'Other Libraries' section on the Business and Management Library Guide and take advantage of the other resources you have access to.
Postgraduates, in particular, should take advantage of the British Libraries Business & IP Centre which gives access to Mintel and many other business databases. It's also designed to support Entrepreneurs, so those of you with ambition to start your own business should check it out. The British Librayr also produces very good Industry Guides which are well worth checking out.