Friday, 22 August 2014

Weekly Roundup

Another short summer round-up as so much news and information at the moment is political and saddening. Firstly a change for summer cinema, there have been no big summer bombs yet cinema receipts are down 15%. So what is going on? Were we distracted by the World Cup and the good weather? Or, given the Avengers sequel is not due to be launched in the summer, has Hollywood realized that we way we watch movies has changed and loading the summer with massive release after massive release if not a good tactic. If your post-uni plan is to release an app and become a millionaire you may need to think again as the appetite for new apps appears to be on the wane. There has been a considerably decrease on monthly downloads in 2014, customers are reluctant to spend money on apps and most now have the apps they want.

Slightly more cheerful articles now, this article from Forbes looks at whether the Ice-Bucket challenge worked, which is good to read. And a fun article from Harvard Business Review looking at whether playing games makes you good at business. Recruiters have looked positively on bridge and chess but does Wordl fo Warcraft similar fit you for a career in business and should recruiters be less snobbish about modern challenging and complex games.

Friday, 15 August 2014

Weekly round-up

This is yet another bitty summer round -up but I hope most of you are now enjoying your summer and that those of you doing dissertations are not too stressed. Should you check your work emails in the evening? Is this bad for your stress? It all depends on how engaged you are with your role. Not only is the price of cocoa soaring but so is the price of hazelnuts after the early crop was damaged by  a surprise frost. Is Apple less creative under new CEO Tim Cook than under Steve Jobs? Announcements of a new iPhone 6 has failed to  excited the response that previous developments have engendered. However, this analysis shows those criticising Tim Cook are overemphasising the change in Apple's approach. In related news, Apple and Samsung has stepped down their legal disputes, outside America at least.

This is an article on the now-famous memo from CEO Max Schireson who has stood down to spend more time with his family. Something to think about as you go forward with your careers, it's not necessarily worth sacrificing everything for success at work.

Friday, 1 August 2014

Short links this week

Two very quick links for this hot summer week. I hope you are all enjoying the weather.
Can Virtual Reality and simulation build better leaders?
An interesting video from the about whether Pharma and Healthcare are actually good bedfellows.