Amazon have launched their own Smartphone handset called 'Fire' to compete more directly with Apple and Samsung. They base a lot of their appeal around their wide range of digital content and special apps to make it easier for users to buy books. While Amazon eyes a smartphone, Apple's 'Smartwatch' comes closer and closer to production despite some commentators' doubts about the wisdom of making such a niche product. In less competitive news, Tesla has decided to share all its technology in a bid to make collaborations and push forward the development of electric cars. Hopefully the successful expansion and development of electric car tech would reduce air pollution and oil dependence. Finally competition between the big tobacco firms over e-cigarettes is becoming more fierce. Big Tobacco is seeking to capitalise on e-cig sales even as governments begin to discuss moves to restrict advertising of the controversial devices.
Quite a short blog this week. Must have been a slow news week Hope you are enjoying the summer and not too stressed with deadlines
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