Friday, 16 January 2015

Oil, Tech and Business .

The continuing fall in Oil prices has dominated headlines for some time now and here I have rounded up some interesting articles on the topic in case you wanted to read further or felt overwhelmed. Firstly, Norway's government is poised to hold crisis talks over the low prices as they are hard hit and here in the UK, Scotland has been asking for tax relief and jobs have been lost in Aberdeen. US Stocks have also been affected by the downturn. In other less-than-cheerful news, studies suggest that 'Black Friday' did not really benefit those UK Retailers who massively discounted and a video on why the Private-Public partnership between Circle and the NHS failed.

Turning to the lighter and more inspirational side of life, book sales rise as readers show a preference for print and a fascinating article on how France used Unemployment Benefit to encourage entrepreneurship -definitely more interesting and innovative than just cutting benefits. The Week in Review covers the Consumer Electronics Show last week is Las Vegas and is fascinating for what tech is coming next and maybe spotting the gaps in the market. If you do spot those gaps, here's an article from the Guardian on starting a business and transforming your career this year. Finally the Top  10 sustainable Business stories of 2014 - food for thought.

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