Monday, 29 June 2015

Greece and the Euro

Given the drama and the huge importance of what happens to Greece I am going to regularly promote Financial Times and other papers' pieces on the crisis. The situation in Greece has huge implications for the Eurozone and the world and will affect many different areas including the markets, tourism and business so you should be following closely!

Firstly, will Tsipras get his way and have the Eurozone blink first and change their minds? Is it unfair for Tsipras and Syriza to be punished for calling a referendum and allowing the Greek's themselves to decide their fate. Surely not a betrayal of Europe but  Syriza listening to their people's democratic will? Finally the stock exchange and backs are closed in Greece and the Euro is very weak. To round up the coverage a column arguing we must help Greece even though they have been reckless and their creditors have been short sighted.

Finally a piece in the Guardian on how Greeks are already suffering and why they feel so unable to make further sacrifices in the name of austerity.

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